What is the SHSAT Discovery Program?

The Discovery Program, is a summer program that offers admissions to low-income, 8th grade students who score just under the cut off score. These students are given the opportunity to “work off” the remaining points that may stand in their way.

By the end of 2020, 20% of seats at each specialized high school were reserved for Discovery Program participants. In addition, the expansion targets students from high poverty schools across the City:

To be eligible for the Discovery program, a Specialized High Schools applicant must:

  1. Be one or more of the following: a student from a low-income household, a student in temporary housing, or an English Language Learner who moved to NYC within the past four years; and

  2. Have scored within a certain range below the cutoff score on the SHSAT; and

  3. Attend a high-poverty school. A school is defined as high-poverty if it has an Economic Need Index (ENI) of at least 60%. You can see a school’s historical ENI by visiting the School Performance Dashboard and selecting the school from the list.

You cannot apply to the discovery program, you have to be selected. Students who are eligible to attend the Discovery Program will be notified in the Spring.

Tai Abrams

Tai is a former government consultant who managed to turn her $55K salary into a six-figure brand. She’s the Founder of Intrepid Increase – a company that provides the tools, coaching and resources to help women achieve financial freedom. It’s courses show students how to start an online group coaching program using their existing skills and how to scale up their profits.

With a passion for women and a knack for entrepreneurship, Tai has a Youtube Channel where she talks about achieving financial freedom.

She’s a best selling author, Transformational Speaker, Award-winning entrepreneur and Educator who’s impact has been featured by fox news, CBS, the Daily News, the NY Post, NY1 and more! Her first book called, “Who Am I? An A-Z Career Guide for Teens,” helps teens to identify exceptional career paths much earlier on and positions them to be more competitive in the marketplace.

Tai is on a mission to help women get in alignment with their purpose, monetize their gifts and create a profitable business that is in alignment with their dream life. Her motto is, “If you focus on INCREASING your impact and TRANSFORMING lives, the INCOME will follow.”


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